Wednesday 8 June 2011

Virtual Gallery (Heritage)

Title: The Golden Heritage

Abstract: It is an educational museum that has the heritage of Perak. There will have 3 sections in that museum.
  • Tekad

  • Labu sayong

  • Keris

Target audience: 15 - 45 years old

  • To let the user know about the history of keris, labu sayong and tekad. Eg: how to make it, where it come from, etc.
  • The user no need to go far away from their home.
  • This VR application will give the information to the user with the easier way:
- user can just click to the 3D model and the pictures of keris, labu sayong and tekad and all the information will appear.
- there will have the narration to guide user when they enter that museum.

  • to allow the user to get the information with the easier way.
  • to make the user know and learn about where this precious heritage come from and how to make it.
  • to make the user feel like they also in that museum through the sound effects and the pictures.
  • to help the user to be more understand and appreciate this entire heritage from this VR application.

  • Guggenhiem Virtual Museum

  • Second life:

 The Art of Nature Gallery in Philudoria

Virtual Museum of the Pusan, Korea.
  • You tube: 3D virtual museum

Put the cusor on the object, the information will appear.

Istana Kuala Kangsar, Perak.
  1. The user will be at the outside of the museum to see, walk and explore the exterior.
  2. Then, the user will go to the main stairs of the museum to enter that museum.
  3. After that, they will enter the 1st section which is keris section. There, they will see a lot of pictures and the making of keris. If they go close to the model of keris, it will have the narration that will talk about that keris.
  4. Then, they will exit from that section and enter the 2nd section which labu sayong section. The environment in that section will relate to that labu sayong that can tell the story of it.
  5. After they done explore that section, the user will enter the last section which is tekad section and they will get a lot of information if they click the pictures.

Interaction Description:
  • User can just control the environment by using the keyboard and mouse.
  • User can get the explanation of each object by just click the pictures in that museum.
  • Every section will have the proximity sensor that can make door open and activate the suitable song or sound for every area.
  • The interactive information and narration will appear if the user come close to the certain object.

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