Monday 27 June 2011

Final Proposal

  • Istana Kenangan,Kuala Kangsar.
  • This application is about a walkthrough of Istana Kenangan, Kuala Kangsar that built as a temporary palace for Sultan Iskandar Shah in 1930s.
  • The palace was built after the Big Flood in 1926.
  • This wooden palace is built like a sword, with the Sultan's bed chambers located at the 'handle' and the balai rong seri (audience hall) at the scabbard.
  • This application also will have a lot of information of Istana Kenangan and Sultan Iskandar Shah and also the interactive pop up information for user to interact with this application.
Target Audience:
  • Heritage researchers, archeologist, government. 
  • What is the goal of the whole application?
  • To let the user know about the history of Istana Kenangan, Kuala Kangsar in 1930's that have been built for Sultan Iskandar Shah as a temporary palace while waiting for Istana Iskandariah completed.
  • What is the application trying to solve?
  • In this current time, that Istana Kenangan has become the Royal Museum of Perak but its not open for other people. The architecture of the palace is so unique and there is none like it in Perak or in the rest of the country. So, by this application, it will help the user to enter and see the interior and also exterior environment of that palace in 1930's and they will be more appreciate for this golden heritage. The user no need to go to Perak instead they can just sit at home and have the precious experience by using this application.
  • What is the advantage of VR that can be exploited to enhance project?
  • User can view 360 degrees to see the whole environment of Istana Kenangan that have been done built in 1930's.
  • This VR application will give the information to the user with the easier way through the interactive pop up information.
  • to allow the user to get the information with the easier way.
  • to make the user feel like they also in that palace through the sound effects and the environment of that palace in 1930's.
  • to help the user to be more understand and appreciate this entire heritage from this VR application.
  • to show the different and interesting architectural of this palace to the user.
  • Istana Kenangan,Kuala Kangsar.

  • You tube: 3D virtual museum

Put the cusor on the object, the information will appear.

  1. The user will be at the outside of the palace to see, walk and explore the exterior.
  2. Then, the user will go to the main stairs to enter that palace.
  3. After that, the user will start explore the interior in that palace which are serambi area, balai rong seri, rest erea, eating area and kitchen.
Interaction Description:
  • User can just control the environment by using the keyboard and mouse.
  • Every area will have the proximity sensor that can make door open and activate the suitable song or sound effects for every area.
  • The interactive information and narration will appear if the user come close to the certain object.

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